The first and last question should always be: "What's our goal?" Understand the problem and you can start on the solution.
My arts background and varied interests give me a unique perspective on coding (More on that below).
Solo project? Huge team? React? Angular? Vue? I'm game for whatever.
I started programming when I was a kid—a family friend gave us a computer he had cobbled together ("Frankenstein" as he affectionately called it) and my dad taught me enough QBasic on it to be dangerous.
In high school, I got hooked on the arts, hard. I started singing in choirs and writing classical music. I was in musicals and plays. I took up ballroom and swing dancing. I decided to pursue music in college (and, spoiler: eventually grad school, too).
While I was in college, I started working at Dorian Summer Music Camps. I was in the room when someone asked for tech help; eventually, that spun into being Registrar and running and improving a vast database of student records, class rosters, and rooming lists. I learned a ton about SQL and VBA, and working under pressure.
I finished a Bachelor of Arts at Luther College and an Master of Music at University of Northern Iowa, both in Music Composition. I did a bunch of cool projects, including scoring a musical. I also founded and ran two massive competitive ballroom groups. After finishing up at school, I moved to Rochester, MN and pursued freelance work in the arts.
After a few years in the arts, the hours and being 'always on' started to get to me. I started to hear the siren call of my first true love, programming. I decided I needed a change and chose to attend Prime Digital Academy to formalize and round out my skills.